Extras Casting for “Goodbye, Walt” (Dearborn Heights, MI)


Looking for a few extras (over 21) for an early morning shoot (3:00am) on May 15th for the short film, “Goodbye, Walt”. The scene may be rewritten and currently there are a few speaking parts (one line). This is a non union film. Also, looking for a few crew members as well. Crew will be needed on both May 14th and May 15th. Filming is scheduled for Dearborn Heights, MI.

Available Roles:

  • Extras: 21 and older, open ethnicity



This is a short film and no pay, but you will receive credit, copy and IMDB credit as this will be submitted to festivals. Dinner and breakfast will be served as well.

How to Apply:

If you would like to apply please notify us at yourentourageagency@gmail.com and email a copy of your resume resume and headshot to: hackwriter324@yahoo.com

“Grasp” Casting Call for Summer Short Film (Grand Rapids, MI)


Casting Lead, Supporting & Background Roles

The short film “Grasp” is casting actors and background talent for a summer shoot. Shooting is scheduled for June 24 – June 27 in Grand Rapids, MI. This is a project being produced as a part of the Masters program at Columbia University in New York City along with a lot of talented native Michigan crew. Auditions will be held by appointment only in Grand Rapids on May 17th, 2011.


Felicity is a heart surgeon that is unwilling to accept the loss of her deceased son, Benjamin. After a brief leave of absence, Felicity returns to the operating room determined to move forward. She is quickly forced to realize that until she mourns her loss, grief will only prolong her paralysis.

Available Roles:

  • Felicity: (Lead) 40-50. Caucasian Female. Trim to Average Build. Typically well kept, but worn by grief. Felicity is a heart surgeon that struggles to accept the loss of her deceased son, Benjamin. Feeling responsible for his death, she is unwilling to let go of her guilt and take the necessary steps to mourn. (Must have a strong background in Drama)

  • Darren: (Supporting) Mid-Late Teens. Caucasian Male. Mild-mannered and skinny with messy hair. Felicity’s neighbor and the best friend of her deceased son, Benjamin. (Dramatic background preferred)

  • James: (Supporting) 40-50. Male. Average/Fit build. Charming and Clean-cut. A surgeon friend and colleague of Felicity that attempts to help her. (Dramatic background preferred)

  • Benjamin: (Supporting) Mid-Late Teens. Caucasian Male. Skinny to average build. Innocent and Caring. Felicity’s son that is interested in photography.

  • Bullies: (Featured Background) Mid-Late Teens. Males. Average/Muscular build. Thug-like troublemakers that physically assault Darren after robbing him. (Fight training helpful, but not necessary)


Copy of final film & expenses for long-distance travel.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in scheduling an audition, please notify us at yourentourageagency@gmail.com and email your head-shot & resume to: graspcasting@gmail.com

Microsoft Commercial Casting Call (Detroit, MI)


Casting Male Actor with Dos Equis Man Look

Dos Equis Man

Ryan Hill is looking to cast a person who looks like the Dos Equis man. This role is for a Microsoft commercial that will be shooting at night on Tuesday, May 3rd in downtown Detroit.


This is a paid role.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at yourentourageagency@gmail.com and have the look please email your headshot to: ryanhillcasting@gmail.com

NOTE: Please include “Microsoft XX” in the subject line of your email.

Jamaican Nurse Casting for “5 Year Engagement”


Extras Casting for Feature Film

Real Style Specialty Extras Casting Call

Real Style is looking to cast a Jamaican “Nurse” for the feature film “5 Year Engagement”. Talent will be needed on Thursday, May 5th. Talent must be Jamaican, but does not have to be a real nurse.


This is a paid role.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at yourentourageagency@gmail.com and email your headshots and resume to: 5yengagement@realstyleonline.com

“The Society” Casting Call & Auditions for Cast and Crew

Mantis and Moon Moving Pictures and Sound Auditions

Mantis and Moon is currently casting for a full length feature film to be shot in Sylvania Ohio/Bogota Colombia. Sylvania is very near the border between Michigan and Ohio. Auditions will be held on May 3rd and May 4th.

Audition Details:

Auditions will be held at the Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce (5632 N. Main St, Sylvania Ohio 43560). Park in the parking lots behind the row of buildings in which the chamber is located. The parking lot is basically directly across from the Rite-Aide on the corner of Monroe and Summit street. Auditions will be held from 5:00pm-8:00pm.  The cast is weighted more towards 40-60 year olds, but all actors are welcome to audition anyway!


The story of The Society is built on two sub themes, one a hard hitting legal battle over a company’s broken promise, the other a love story between a North American man and South American woman. The legal drama unfolds, from the corporate promises made to an eager 25 year old, through the range of emotions that come, with the disappointment, of being let down by those that you believed in and trusted at the age of 45.

The two stories become entangled as the two lovers struggle with the social, cultural, and theological differences separating them. How they endure, learn, and rise above those differences brings out the love story.The love story tempers the legal drama, and the legal drama validates the love story. As the lines, which have become increasingly blurred, separating, right from wrong, justice from corruption, become more and more clear, their unfaltering love finds its way.

Available Roles:

Principal Characters

  • Gregory C. Hill Jr. (Protagonist) – Caucasian Male, Young Greg – Age 25. Good natured, sensitive, straight forward A Midwestern farm boy turned Philosophy Major/Musician out on the west coast. He has hitch-hiked the world and is kind like his mom, he is shy yet adventurous.
  • Middle Age Greg – Age 45, Good natured, honest, straight forward, competitive, aggressive, while still sensitive. He has built a small and successful company. He is not a smooth talking salesman in anyway. Hard knocks and his belief in personal responsibility have toughened his skin and resolve, while he remains that philosophy major we met 20 years ago. The best way to describe Greg is, that he takes his 4 wheel drive Ford F350 to get shotgun shells for a hunting trip on his way to Bikram Yoga.
  • Gregory C. Hill Sr. – Caucasian Male. Younger Gregory Sr. – Age 50. Successful salesmen, old school businessman, loyal, X-College football player, extremely competitive. He’s a nose to the grind stone kind of guy. He is not a smooth talking salesman in anyway, more like a hammer looking for a nail. He is much more comfortable using hunting or fishing analogies than some mind boggling sales pitch and many of these can seem quite abrupt if not downright inappropriate.
  • Older Hill Sr. – Age 65. Frustrated and bitter, with his health declining we see a marked difference from when we first met him. He is still not only unwilling but truly unable to accept or show his weaknesses.
  • Richard Strong – Caucasian Anglo-Saxon protestant, Younger Richard Strong – Age 55. President of the Society, he is tall, handsome, stately, old school and charismatic. He could be from the South, confident, friendly and a great speaker. He reminds us of that real nice uncle.
  • Older Richard Strong – age 80, Now X-President of the Society. Righteous, indignant, entitled. His full head of grey hair still looks exactly the same as it did when we met him at 50, you would swear it was a wig. His charisma hasn’t waned when it is needed.
  • Timothy Allen O’Neil – Male Caucasian Age 45, Accountant (one of the main characters closest friends).
    A Midwestern country boy, soft spoken, kind, innocent, trusting and thoughtful, Tim has an undying faith in the goodness of people, some of it for good reason some for the sake of not wanting to face a certain truth, which might require some growing up. He owns his own accounting office on Main Street in the local town he grew up just on the outskirts of. A hand shake was a contract where he grew up and, as far as he could recall, there had never been a violent crime.
  • Timothy O’Neil Sr. – Male Caucasian – Age 65, Board member for the Society
  • Mark Wagner – Male Caucasian, Younger Mark Wagner – age 30. CFO Chief Accountant for the Society. He is dark hared and handsome, dresses impeccably; he looks like perfect corporate material, quiet but friendly and always pays attention. He is a company man all the way.
  • Older Mark Wagner – 50, President of the Society. Arrogant, cunning, calculating, convinced he can talk his way out of anything; he loves to hear the sound of his own voice. His patronizing words seem to pour out as soft as silk still the disdain, for what he considers the common folk, can’t be hidden. It seems the nerves of the Mark we met 30 years ago, have long since disappeared.
  • Michael Spence – Male Caucasian – Age 50-60 (light color hair), Vice President of the Society. CPA – accounting background, shy not many words, in love with Mark Wagner’s ideas and persona, small in size, blushes easily, nice family nice guy highly misguided.
  • Orville Hoffner – (New President Elect of the Society) Age (50-60) years of age. He has already been promoted three levels above his abilities, false, horrible salesman as he can never be genuine enough for anyone to actually believe him. good father and good husband, lousy businessman, More into skiing and other extracurriculars than dealing with his responsibilities.
  • Claudia – (Greg’s love interest) Latina Female (25-30) years of age

The Society – Board of Directors

  • Donald Mallet – (Chairman and senior member of the Board of Directors) Male (55-65) years of age
  • Susan Voight – Female Caucasian- age 40 to 50, Society Board member. She is an ex-cheerleader who never made prom queen, Angry, frustrated, bitter and vindictive, it’s all been downhill since then. She is a petite woman you might even say wiry. Her laughter is stressed and her smile somehow looks painful. She sits on many local boards and volunteers for any position that might keep her somehow popular or maybe even relevant.
  • Bud Elway – Male Caucasian age 50 to 60 (tall), Society Board member. Bob is Friendly, good natured, polite, strong, sure of himself, and moral, but slightly uncomfortable in a corporate board room. Bud is a local ex-basketball star and coach, loved, admired and respected around the region for his good nature, sense of honor, and never quit ethics, but more importantly he brought the championships home. When it comes to macro economics he’s sitting on the bench but give him farm math, it’s a slam dunk every time.
  • Steve Stockton – (Chicago Business man) Male (45-55) years of age.
  • Gary Phelps – (Final Board Member) Male (45-55) years of age
  • Timothy A. O’Neil Sr. – See above. Rounds out the (6) member Board of Directors.

Other Characters

  • Matt Burch – Male Caucasian- age 35 to 45, Partner corporate law firm (console for The Society), Confident, cocky, good under pressure, abrasive, pushy, and callous with a smile. Matt has had one goal since his second year in law school “screw this” I’m way smarter than the rest of these assholes so why are you wasting my time just let me get to it, he did. He figured out early that this was a numbers game and if you just ignore the people involved, or even justice for that matter, you will do much better when it comes to the numbers. If you want to make partner by 32 that’s the game plan. As partner now, he makes multimillion dollar decisions and lets everybody know he’s cock sure about them.
  • Jim Parker – Male Caucasian- age 35 to 45, Independent Attorney (main character’s personal attorney), soft spoken, sober almost a year, disheveled, heavy smoker. Jim sees the world through a very different lens he’s not the guy that held on because it was the good fight or for the money, he held on because holding on is all he knows how to do. Jim had a bad drug experience in college it left him altered. Still he finished school, got his degree and now he has his own law practice. We just never know which Jim will show up on the day of court.
  • Walter Jacobs – (Judge) Male (50-65) years of age.
  • Miguel – (Greg’s friend and confidant) and Travel companion Hispanic Male (30-35) years of age.
  • Rocio – (Girl on Greg & Miguel’s South American Trip) Latina Female (25-30) years of age. Free spirit.
  • Ana Maria – (Rocio’s Sister) & travel companion Latina Female (25-30) years of age.
  • Maria – (Claudia’s Mother) Latina Female (55-65) years of age.
  • Doreen – (Office Secretary) Female (30-40) years of age.
  • Karen – (New to Greg’s office) Cute Female (19-25) years of age.
  • John – (Claudia’s Brother) Colombia Special Forces Trainer. Hispanic Male (30-35) years of age.
  • Jonathon Stevens Salesman Agent #1) – Male (50-60) years of age.
  • Edward Siebert Salesman Agent #2 – Male (25-35) years of age.
  • Investment Salesmen(3-5) – Males (35-60) years of age
  • Tina – (Mark Wagner’s Daughter) Female (30-35) years of age. Promoted unfairly because she’s the President’s daughter.
  • Carrie Smith – Female (40-50) weird neighbor lady that can go on talking for hours.
  • Debbie Oniel – (Tim’s Wife) Female (30-35) years of age.
  • Bob Wren – (salesman Agent #6) Male (30-40) years of age. Heavy set big guy jolly and likeable.
  • Rich Sampson – (Salesman Agent #7) Male (50-60) years of age. Bit of a drinker and trouble maker.
  • Attorneys #1, and #2 Males – (45-60) years of age.
  • Tom Nowicki – (Attorney #3) Male (50-60) years of age
  • Elections Announcer – Male (40-50) years of age
  • Orrville Hoffner’s Secretary – Female (25-30) years of age.
  • Supreme Court Justice – Male (50-65) years of age
  • Federal Judge Warren – Male (60-65) years of age.
  • Martin Thorne Accounting Office’s Attorney – Male (40-55) years of age
  • Adam Fincher Society’s Accounting Firm’s legal Council – Male (40-50) years of age.
  • Ups Driver – Male (25-30) years of age
  • Otto – (OSU Board of Directors Member) Male (40-50) years of age
  • Jeff CFO for the Society – Male (50-60) years of age.
  • Man – (Errors and Omissions Rep) Male (35-45) years of age

Crew Postions:

Many crew positions are also availble for this film.


These positions (Cast and Crew) are mostly non-paid positions. However this is your chance to be a part of a potentially award-winning movie production, as Mantis and Moon has never released a film that was not internationally awarded, or nationally distributed.

How to Apply:

If you were interested in applying for any of these positions please notify us at yourentourageagency@gmail.com and interested parties for the Cast and Crew member positions should email a resume and headshot for cast to Chuy at: chuy@mantisandmoon.com

NOTE: Please include the role you are interested in applying for or “crew” in the subject line of your email.

“Grandpa’s Gun” Casting Call for Short Film at MPI (Troy, MI)

Casting Actors for Lead & Supporting Roles

“Grandpa’s Gun” is casting actors for lead and supporting roles for their upcoming short film. The film will be shooting in metro Detroit the last two weekends in June 2011. Auditions will be held on May 7th at the Motion Picture Institute in Troy, Michigan.


Grandpa’s Gun is a short film about organized crime in the vain of “A Bronx Tale” but with family at the center. Louie Lepitrone is hard working kid who is struggling to support his alcoholic mother. He regularly helps his sharp witted grandfather who pays him back with little trinkets and toys from his youth. One day Louie gets an old gun from his grandfather and before he knows it, his life is turned upside down.

Available Roles:

  • Leonardo Lepitrone (Lead) – Caucasian Male 18-25 yo – Louie is a bright kid with a promising future. He takes care of his grandfather and ailing mother. He has a heart of gold but his morals will be tested.
  • Tony DeSoto (Supporting) – Caucasian Male 50’s – The current mob boss of the family. He is a wise cracking gangster. He is seeking revenge for the death of his father. All he needs is the right intel and he has the ability to rain hell.
  • Jessica (Supporting) – Caucasian Female 18-25 yo – Jessica is a sparky, strong-willed girl. She gets involved a little more deeply than anticipated and will have to step up when the time is right.
  • Nicky “The Fist” DeSoto (Supporting) – Caucasian Male 50’s – Nicky is an old school mob boss who was in charge of a large crime syndicate in Detroit.
  • Louie’s Mom (Supporting) – Caucasian Female 40’s – An alcoholic who spends most of her day drinking and sleeping. She raised Louie alone.
  • Uncle Phil (Supporting) – Caucasian Male 50’s – A tough-as-nails, old school tough guy. Blue collar, everyman on the outside but with a dark secret on the inside.
  • The Hitman (Victor) (Supporting) – Male 25-50 yo – A large dark figure who kills first and asks questions later.
  • Bobby (Supporting) – Male 30-40 yo – A lab tech who works at the police department. He has a secret that could ruin his career in more ways than one.
  • Female Officer (Supporting) – Female 30-40 yo – A pretty police woman.
  • Tony’s Girlfriend (Supporting) – Female 18-35 yo – Model type. A beautiful woman with a great physique. She is the girlfriend of a mob boss.


There is no compensation for the roles but we will be hitting the festival circuit and hope to land some interest from investors for the feature film.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at yourentourageagency@gmail.com and email a copy of your headshot and resume to: grandpas.gun@gmail.com

NOTE: Please include the role you are interested in applying for in the subject line of your email. A specific audition time will be setup once you have applied via email.

Extras Casting for Microsoft Commercial (Detroit, MI)

Casting Extras with/without Scooters

A commercial for Microsoft is shooting Tuesday, May 3rd and possibly Wednesday, May 4th and needs about 15 extras. Extras should be between the ages of 25 to 50. They are also looking for cool scooters (Vespas, etc.). The commercial is scheduled to shoot in downtown Detroit at night. Possibly 7PM to 3AM. Interested extras can contact Ryan Hill for more information.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at yourentourageagency@gmail.com and if you are available all day both Tuesday and Wednesday, e-mail your complete resume and recent headshots to: RyanHillCasting@gmail.com

NOTE: Please include “Microsoft Extras” in the subject line of your email.

Real Style – 5 Year Engagement-Jazz Club Patrons-FC

Movie-5 Year Engagement
Dates needed-Must be available for both
Fitting: Friday-4/29- (a couple hour commitment)
Day of Filming-Tuesday -5/3-(full day of filming-can be a 12 hour day)

Your role will be Jazz club patrons- I ALSO NEED 2 Bartenders and a few waitresses, if you have experience with either,

please send a SEPARATE EMAIL WITH YOUR EXPERIENCE TO: 5YEngagement@Realstyleonline.com

Please use the link to respond back to this email.
You will be contacted with a second email if you can be booked. You must respond back, if we cannot reach you , we will have to book someone else.


Go to the link below by pasting the link into the address bar of your browser to Accept or Reject this invitation:


“Vampirism Bites” Second Season Casting (Algonac, MI)


Vampirism Bites Second Season Casting

Vampirism Bites Casting Call

Comedy web series “Vampirism Bites” is moving into its second season, and is re-casting the role of “Belle”. The audition will be on by invite at Algonac, MI, where auditioners will read with series regulars to determine best chemistry. Those invited will be given sides to memorize in an email, and the audition will be scheduled at the best time for auditioners and regular cast, as soon as possible.

Available Roles:

  • BELLE: is the vampire fangirl who was turned into a vampire, only to learn that real vampire life is nothing like advertised. Life may have sucked, but Vampirism Bites.

This is a re-casting: as such, we’re looking for brunette or red-headed (which matches an alternate plot point to the season if cast) actresses ages 20-30 that have a good memory and are interested and capable of being the central character to the show.

  • We will give extra consideration to actresses that are 5′6 to 5′10″ tall, which is close to the original actress’ height, but we’re looking for the strongest talent overall; so shorter actresses WILL be considered if their performance and chemistry with series regulars is strong enough.

  • We will give extra consideration to actresses that have stage combat and/or martial arts experience, but this is not a requirement.

Work Rate & Compensation:

Belle’s whole season work is only 2.5 non-consecutive days in St. Clair County during June, with one extra day potentially for cast promotional photography. Belle appears in 90% of the Second Season’s episodes. Shooting schedule will be written around cast availabilities.

Pay will be copy, credit, meals and promotion.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at yourentourageagency@gmail.com and email a copy of your resume, headshot, and if available online, acting reel to: vampirism.bites@gmail.com