“The Secret” Film Casting Call for Actors (Windsor, ON Canada)


Terrimatt Productions Casting for Short Film

Terrimatt Productions Casting Call

Terrimatt Productions is casting actors for the dramatic short film, “The Secret”. This film will be shot in Windsor, Ontario for 3 days in mid-November, dates are TBD. This film will be submitted to a network of producers, and possibly major film festivals.

Available Roles:

  • Helen: Female, age 70+

  • Brigit: Female, age 55+

  • Brigit: Female, age 35

  • Brigit: Female, age 12

  • Donna: Female, age 35

  • Donna: Female, toddler

  • Donna: Female, age 5-7

  • Intern: Male, age 28

  • Nurse: Female, age 40+

  • Catholic Priest: Male, age 40’s

  • Mildred: Female, age 20-25

  • Frank: Male, age 22-28

  • Extras: Male and female, various ages


Meals provided, copy of film, credit, lo/no pay depending on role.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying, please notify us at YOurEntourageAgency@gmail.com and submit an audition tape and resume to: terri.i@sympatico.ca

NOTE: Please choose a short sentimental drama monologue of your choice, no more then 2 minutes please. Auditions are self tape only. Dead line for submissions is November 11th, 2011.

“Workers of the Digital Harvest” Casting Call for Short Film


University of Michigan Student Film Casting

Casting actors for a short University of Michigan student film. This is a 30-minute film as part of independent study through the Screen Arts and Culture department. The film is called “Workers of the Digital Harvest” and it is about 3 brothers in very different jobs– arts, physical labor and office work. The film is about how “work” is defined in our society and what people think about their own jobs as well as others’.

Available Roles:

  • Phil:(age 24) An office worker who will go over the Course of the story from a schlub who isn’t particularly happy to work where he is, to someone who sees the potential in all work.

  • Gregory: (age 22) A farmer who bought his own farm. He is trying to fix his equipment in time for planting season.

  • Aaron: (age 30) An author who is having writer’s block on his last work, but his publisher still demands the book.

  • Olivia: (age 25) Phil’s girlfriend. She’s a teacher at a local high school. She also lives with Phil.

  • Annabelle: (age 19) Gregory’s wife. She finished high school with honors, but like Gregory decided to go into the farm life. She prides herself on being well read. She is expecting their first child, and they just had one of those fights that couples have.

  • Caroline: (age 27) A sales rep at a downtown firm. Aaron takes a liking to her and tries to flirt with her. She will be as his muse, when he succeeds at impressing her, he finds the inspiration to finish his book.

  • Hank: (age 35) Aaron’s publisher.

  • Isaac: (age 23) Phil’s friend at work, he doesn’t ever finish the arch that Phil does.


These are not paid roles.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and email your headshots and resume to: yjlu@umich.edu

Casting Bald Male Actors for Untitled Thriller Film – At Risk Entertainment(paid)


Casting Actor for Feature Film Speaking Role

At Risk Entertainment is casting a bald male actor for their upcoming feature film. Talent will be needed for 1-2 shoot days. The film is scheduled to shoot in Wayne County.

Available Roles:

  • 1 Actor: Male, Caucasian, bald (speaking role)


This is a paid role. Talent will be paid $50 a day.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying for this role please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and email your headshots and resume to: info@atriskent.com

“All 4 Love” Sitcom Auditions & Casting (Detroit, MI)(paid)


Attention all Actors/Detroit Style Ballroom Dancers

Tri Global Productions will be holding auditions for their new sitcom “All 4 Love” for male and female actors who can do Detroit Ballroom Style dancing. Auditions will be held on Saturday, November 12th, 2011 on the Northwest side of Detroit from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. This comedy guarantees to bring back the laughter and comfort you felt watching some of our recent classics like Martin, A Different World, and Living Single. The humor is amazing and the writing is second to none.

Available Roles:

  • Actors/Detroit Style Ballroom Dancers: (Male or female, age 18+) You must be able to act and do Detroit Ballroom Style dancing.


These are paid roles. Pay based on role.

How to Apply:

For more information on how you can be a part of this amazing sitcom, please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and send your headshot and resume to: all4love.313sitcom@gmail.com

Casting Call for Comedic Actors for Leading Roles in a Commercial(paid)


The Lazerbolt Casting Call

The Lazerbolt is casting comedic for a non-union commercial shoot. Sorry, no SAG or AFTRA talent on this one. The spot is high-energy, action, comedy. Looking for loud actors who can exaggerate some intese facial reactions. Comedy and improv background is a plus. Actors will be needed for a 1-day night shoot scheduled tentatively between Thursday, November 10th and Saturday, November 12th.

Available Roles:

  • HUSBAND: Male, open ethnicity, age 30s-40s

  • WIFE: Female, open ethnicity, age 30s-40s

  • MAN: Male, open ethnicity, age mid-20s-40s


Pay to be determined.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and email your headshot, resume & links to any reel or work to: lazercasting@gmail.com

NOTE: We will follow-up with details for an audition as well as details on compensation.
Here is some of our previous work: http://www.mofilm.com/p/67e712

Merit Productions Casting Call for Short Webisode (Ann Arbor, MI)


Casting Call for Male Actors

Merit Productions is looking to cast 5 male actors for a short action webisode shooting this weekend. Auditions take place on tonight, Wednesday, November 2nd in Ann Arbor, MI. Auditions will consist of readings from a script.

Available Roles:

  • Janitor: (age 50+) Older gentlemen with weathered voice. He is the inside man and the informant.

  • 4 Minions: (age 18-45, male) Intimidating. Owns a nice suit. Hi-tech. Sleek. Fit.


These are not paid roles. All actors will get credit and some free t-shirts.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying for this casting call please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and email your headshots and resume to: meritproductions@gmail.com

NOTE: Please include the role you are applying for in the subject line of your email.

Casting a Goofy Guy Extra for the Movie “Sparkle”(paid)


Casting Call for a Male Actor

"Sparkle" Extras Casting Call

Ryan Hill is looking to cast an African American actor with an interesting look for the feature film “Sparkle”. Talent will be needed for a costume fitting this week and all day/night on Friday, November 11th in Detroit, MI.

Available Roles:

  • Goofy Guy: African American, male, 20-30’s. (Looking for an interesting face.) Basically just a guy at a club staring at one of the main cast.


This is a paid role.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please contact us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com

NOTE: Please include “Goofy Guy” in the subject line of your email.

Casting Actor to Play Santa Claus for a Commercial Shoot(paid)


Casting Call for Christmas Commercial Shoot

Seeking Santa Claus to appear in a satirical commercial promoting the perfect gift for Christmas time. Filming will take place in Grand Rapids, Michigan some time between November 14-16th.

Available Roles:

  • Santa Claus: (Caucasian, male) Looking for the classic Chris Kringle. Owning the red suit is a bonus, having a white bushy beard is even better.


This is a paid role. Payment will be negotiable.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying, please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com 

“Dr. Sweet’s Tinderbox” Auditions & Casting for Stage Play(paid)


Casting Call for Actors

Casting actors and actresses for the stage play, “Dr. Sweet’s Tinderbox”. It is the reenactment of The 2nd Sweet Trial that took place in 1926. One show only to take place on January 14th, 2012. The play is only one hour long. But it’s pretty intense. Auditions will be held on November 5th in Detroit, Michigan.


Dr. Sweet is most notable for his self defense in 1925 of his newly-purchased home in a predominantly white neighborhood against a mob attempting to force him out of the neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan. He, his family and friends were arrested and tried for the murder of one of the mob. The famous attorney Clarence Darrow defended him, his family, and friends who helped defend his home, in what came to be known as the Sweet Trials. There was also an all-white jury.

Audition Details:

Saturday, November 5th from 10:00am to 1:00pm

The Charles Wright Museum of African-American History
East Warren Avenue
Detroit, MI

Available Roles:

  • CLARENCE DARROW: The era’s famous defender of civil liberties. He’s a tall Caucasian man in his sixties who has lost very little energy to age. He’s brilliant, witty and very persuasive.

  • PROSECUTOR TOMS:The Caucasian lawyer heading the prosecution.

  • LESTER MOLL:Caucasian Assistant prosecutor; surly and rather belligerent

  • KENNEDY: An attorney who questioned the Sweets after they were arrested

  • INSPECTOR SHUKNECHT:Policeman, a Caucasian man in his thirties, a key witness for the prosecution

  • LIEUTENANT SCHELLENBERGER:Caucasian younger policeman

  • CLERK OF THE COURT: No race requirement

  • MR. GETKE:Caucasian; Neighbor who lived next door to the Sweet home; witness for the prosecution

  • MRS. GETKE:Caucasian; Neighbor who lived next door to the Sweet home; witness for the prosecution

  • MRS. WARE:Caucasian; Resident of Garland St.; witness for the prosecution

  • EDWARD MILLER:Caucasian; Resident of Garland St.; witness for the prosecution

  • ALFRED ANDREWS:Caucasian; Lives in the neighborhood; witness for the prosecution

  • OTTO:Caucasian; Resident of Garland St. (small role at the opening of the play)

  • HAROLD:Caucasian; Resident of Garland St.(small role at the opening of the play)


Compensation for lead attorney characters.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying, please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and email your headshot and resume to: bkperryman@aol.com

NOTE: Please include the role you are applying for in the subject line of your email. Sides will be emailed to interested actors.

Military Men Extras Casting for the Film “Sparkle”(paid)


Casting Call for Male Actors

"Sparkle" Open Casting Call

Ryan Hill is looking to cast 10 African American actors to play military men in the feature film “Sparkle”. Talent will be needed all day on November 7th, 8th & 9th in Detroit, MI. This is all about the look and being able to fit the uniforms the costume department has. Available costume sizes are listed on the military availability form.

Available Roles:

  • Military Men: African American, male, 18-20’s. (No military experience required.)


These are paid roles.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please contact us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com

NOTE: Please include “Military Men” in the subject line of your email.