Terrimatt Productions Casting for Short Film

Terrimatt Productions Casting Call

Terrimatt Productions is casting actors for the dramatic short film, “The Secret”. This film will be shot in Windsor, Ontario for 3 days in mid-November, dates are TBD. This film will be submitted to a network of producers, and possibly major film festivals.

Available Roles:

  • Helen: Female, age 70+

  • Brigit: Female, age 55+

  • Brigit: Female, age 35

  • Brigit: Female, age 12

  • Donna: Female, age 35

  • Donna: Female, toddler

  • Donna: Female, age 5-7

  • Intern: Male, age 28

  • Nurse: Female, age 40+

  • Catholic Priest: Male, age 40’s

  • Mildred: Female, age 20-25

  • Frank: Male, age 22-28

  • Extras: Male and female, various ages


Meals provided, copy of film, credit, lo/no pay depending on role.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying, please notify us at YOurEntourageAgency@gmail.com and submit an audition tape and resume to: terri.i@sympatico.ca

NOTE: Please choose a short sentimental drama monologue of your choice, no more then 2 minutes please. Auditions are self tape only. Dead line for submissions is November 11th, 2011.