The Story Behind the Show
YEA coordinated and talent performed at an iconic Detroit mansion with a Motown theme

By Kim Simpson
The Detroit Children’s Choir administration team and the YEA crew put together an event of a lifetime for the Detroit Children’s Choir. It started out with the photo shoot at the prestiges Berry Gordy Mansion on Boston Boulevard in Detroit. Yes, the home where Diana Ross and the Supremes practiced their stage routines as well as ALL the motown artists of the time. The theme was the 60’s when Motown was just starting. Designer Barbie Wiesserman pulled together original outfits from the era and the YEA team pulled it all together with MMA and our models!
The event itself was fabulous! The Detroit Children’s Choir rocked the house with Motown songs while our YEA Artist sang along and danced on the same floor as Micheal Jackson and the Jackson 5 did in the pool house! Everyone had such a good time singing and dancing to the songs of the 60’s! Great artists were memerored and honored that night, in the place where it all started, Boston Boulevard, in Detroit. Soon Hitsville USA recording studio was created and the recording studio became famous all over the world as well. Our performances raised a lot of money that night for the Detroit Children’s Choir to keep music in 52 different Detroit School Districts! It is a BIG job and the DCC team does it so well.
Date: May 2019
Producer: John Joanette
Directors: Paola Marquette, Kimberly Simpson, Emily Knowles, Brad Baldner
Music Maestro: Eric Taylor
Major Sponsor: Motown Mansion Owner – Allen Brown
Fundraiser Event for: Detroit Children’s Choir
Designer: Barbie Weisserman
Makeup: Multimedia Makeup Academy
Hair Stylist: Tenisa Numan
Choreography: Olivia Salerno & Kimberly Simpson
Photography: Richard Lim & Rex Arsic