Professional Training Video – Industrial – Voice Over
Client is looking for a voice over talent with a slight British accent. for a film production of a Training Video to instruct work processes to employees.
One Male Voice Talent, slight British Accent, Age range 25 – 40. Positive, clear, upbeat projection.
Troy – Will be given exact location once chosen for project.
3 hours of work, on site recording, voice director on site.  Scripts provided before hand. Some terms and industry dialect required.
Filming Date:
Late November – Early December – TBD
Paying – $20.00 – $150.00/hr. depending on Resume (Training and Experience).  Certified Voice Talent is guaranteed two dollars more per hour.
To Apply:
Please send your CURRENT resume, headshot, and voice sample to Our Voice Director:
Mr. Baldner at: bradbaldner@yeagency.com
Please CC: Ms. Kim at KimSimpson@YEAgency.com