Terrimatt Productions Casting Call!

Terrimatt Productions Casting Call

Terrimatt Productions is casting actors for the dramatic short film, “The Secret”. This film will be shot in Windsor, Ontario for 3 days in mid-November, dates are TBD. This film will be submitted to a network of producers, and possibly major film festivals.

Available Roles:

  • Helen: Female, age 70+

  • Brigit: Female, age 55+

  • Brigit: Female, age 35

  • Brigit: Female, age 12

  • Donna: Female, age 35

  • Donna: Female, toddler

  • Donna: Female, age 5-7

  • Intern: Male, age 28

  • Nurse: Female, age 40+

  • Catholic Priest: Male, age 40’s

  • Mildred: Female, age 20-25

  • Frank: Male, age 22-28

  • Extras: Male and female, various ages


Meals provided, copy of film, credit, lo/no pay depending on role.

How to Apply

If you are interested in applying, please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and submit an audition tape and resume to: terri.i@sympatico.ca

NOTE: Please choose a short sentimental drama monologue of your choice, no more then 2 minutes please. Auditions are self tape only. Dead line for submissions is October 30th, 2011.