“Walk” Fashion Show the largest fashion event in the Midwest is back!!!

Male & Female Model Casting call Sunday, September 30th 2012 3pm-6pm at the Star Factory 13305 Capital St. Oak Park, MI. 48237

Female Models Bring:
Comp Card or head shot photo
Stiletto Heels
Tank Top
Skinny Jeans or Leggings

Male Models:
Comp Card or head shot photo
Jeans or Slacks
Hard bottom shoes
Tank Top

More info email info@walkfashionshow.com or call 313-79WALK6

“Walk” Fashion Show 6th Edition will take place Saturday, December 8th 2012 at the Charles H Wright Museum. Hosted by Naima Mora winner of America’s Next Top Model | Author of the book “Model Behavior” | Detroit Native

If you are planning to attend please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com