Title: POSH Hair and Make up Advertising Video/Film Photo shoot – Paying for Professionals Only

Description: Sunday, December 6, 2015 Video/Photo Advertisement Shoot will be taken place This work product will be used for advertisement for the April 2016 Hair/Makeup Show/Competition.

Audition details: Must be 16 and up. Male and female models. Professionals and Experienced preferred, Certified even better! Head shot and resume submission first to YEA.
Hair, Makeup and wardrobe included in shoot. Models get photos and video clips as well. Inside and Outside shots. Location will be disclosed if chosen by client.

Roles: Models must be able to walk, move and pose for video and photos.

Date: Sunday, December 6 from 12-6 pm

How to Apply: Please let us know ASAP by submitting your photo and current resume to KJS.YEA@gmail.com only a few models needed. You must be able to make it for the whole day.