Casting Actors for the Film “One”

“One” is a short film being produced in Ann Arbor about “a curious, magic dollar bill that escapes from a suburban bank and sets off on a dangerous journey to see the world.” Both stop‐motion and vfx will be employed to bring the bill to life.

The film will be shot throughout Southeastern Michigan. The exact schedule for shooting will be determined in the coming weeks, but expect to work on the weekend of August 20‐21.

Audition Details:

Auditions will be held Friday, July 15 from 2:00 – 4:30 PM.

6330 North Quadrangle
105 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
SAC Conference Room

Available Roles:

  • ELIZABETH/LIZZY JONES: Lizzy is the young, precocious little girl who saves the magic dollar from suburbia. She is the main character of the film alongside the bill itself. Looking for a young actress strictly between 8‐10 years of age.

  • ROSEMARY HELMS: Rosemary is the ornery older woman who hates small bills, but inadvertently helps the dollar on its journey. Looking for an actress that can portray someone in her late 60s – early 70s.

  • BANK TELLER (Voice Acting Role): Looking for a male actor that can portray someone in his early 20s.

  • POST OFFICE TELLER (Voice Acting Role): Looking for a female actor that can portray someone in her 30s.

  • ATM MAN (Voice Acting Role): Looking for a male actor that can portray someone in his early 50s.

  • LIZZY’S DAD (Voice Acting Role): Looking for a male actor that can portray someone in his late 30s.


This film is a low‐budget project, so the job will be unpaid, but expect to have a great experience with a talented crew that are motivated to tell a compelling story. This film is planned to be shown at many venues, including film festivals. Also, all actors involved in the project will get DVDs of the film and an on‐screen credit.

How to Apply:

If you’re interested in applying for one of these roles, please notify us at and email your resume to:

NOTE: Please include the role you are applying for in the subject line of your email. Please bring your resume to the audition. Scripts will be provided for you to read from.