KALM Productions Auditions for Actors

KALM Productions is looking to cast actors for the web series “Moving Forward”. This web series is a serio-comedy that center’s around the lives of young adults struggling to overcome the internal and external struggles of their lives. Sharing the good and the bad times and relying on one another to hurdle the obstacles to achieve their happiness. Scheduled to shoot 7 episodes in late March in various Michigan locations.

Audition Details:

Monday, January 28th and Tuesday, January 29th

2653 Industrial Row
Troy, MI 48084

Available Roles:

  • Jake (Already Cast): A confused guy in his early 20′s who suffers from social anxiety. He has a bad stutter whenever he tries to talk to anyone he is unfamiliar with or uncomfortable around. His best friend/roommate Chris is one of the only people he is fully comfortable around and can talk to with ease. He is currently taking therapy sessions with Daniel, who throughout the show will assign small tasks to help him confront his fears and anxiety issues. He has been bumping into this girl Abby a lot lately and strangely enough he doesn’t feel anxious around her. He begins to develop feelings for her but unfortunately she has a boyfriend named Brad and a sister. Emily, who is determined to “help” him.

  • Abby: (age 18-24) Abby is a girl in her early 20′s, a very talented painter and is seriously agoraphobic and claustrophobic (she’s afraid to be outside). She still lives at home with her parents and twin sister. She is also seeing Daniel for therapy sessions and has seen Jake around every now and then but doesn’t really know what to make of him. She thinks he’s nice and feels a sort of calmness when she’s around him. She’s been dating her boy friend, Brad, for about 6 months and things are going. She isn’t ridiculously invested in him but there’s nothing bad about him. He goes along with her quirks and doesn’t complain but there’s just never been a spark between them for her. Her sister has been using Daniel’s “homework” as an excuse for dragging her around, mostly to her new friend Chris’ apartment. It’s been a struggle for her but she’s really trying to make an effort, even taking the occasional walk

  • Daniel/Therapist/Narrator: (age 28-35) Daniel is a very good-natured person. He is very genuine in trying to help all of his patients. He hasn’t had the best past so he really wants to dedicate his life to helping others. He can see the positive affect that Jake and Abby have on each other and is trying to explore their relationship even more.

  • Chris: (age 18-24) Chris is a gay man in his early 20′s and is Jake’s best friend/roommate. He gives Jake a hard time quite often and competes with him to give him the push he needs. He is very outgoing and charismatic. He’s a little bit of a man whore but deep down he’s looking for a real connection between him and another man, but he never would admit it. He isn’t really over the top but he is still rather playful. When the time comes, he is a great person to have a serious conversation with and he can give some really great advice.

  • Emily: (age 18-24) Emily is Abby’s twin sister. She’s incredibly outgoing and has established an immediate connection to Chris, making them very good friends extremely quickly. She love her sister early, and drags her along everywhere she can because she really wants to help her out. She has developed a small crush on Jake, finding his awkwardness charming. She see’s him as someone she can “fix.” She has no idea that Jake has a thing for her sister and that he is really off putted by her. He doesn’t dislike her, just that she is very pushy and it makes him nervous.

  • Brad: (age 18-24) Brad is an early 20 year old male who is dating Abby. He views her as the perfect girl friend. Someone he doesn’t have to take out to dinner or the movies and whenever he goes out he doesn’t have to worry about anything getting back to her. Even though he still feels threatened by Jake and messes with him a lot.

  • Evan: (age 18-24) Evan is a little bit of a quite odd ball. He keeps to himself mostly but is very wise when it’s called upon.


Gas compensation. None of the roles are paid. We will shoot the first season and then put the series up on KickStarter. If we can get the funding, we will shoot a second season and all actors will be paid for that season.

How to Apply:

This will be an open casting call but it is recommended that you email us a head of time. If interested please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and email your headshot and resume to: NickGnagi@gmail.com

NOTE: Please include the role you are applying for in the subject line of your email. Please prepare a contemporary comedic and dramatic monologue no more than one minute in length along with a headshot and resume. For call backs, we will request a cold read from the script with a partner of our choosing.