Modeling Job – Analysis Study
Female Model needed for a case study analysis on a law suit case study.   Model is required to stand, sit or walk a particular way for a study on a law case.
Female over 16 years of age, Height: 5′ 2′ around 145 – 155 pounds.
Job Date:
Friday June 3, or Monday, June , 2016 in the afternoon (Noon – 3pm). Job located TBD but a Car dealership.  Only a few hours of easy work, mainly getting pictures taken for a particular study.
Around $23.00/hr. non-certified, $25.00/hr. – certified models, with gas and travel included, minus YEA 15% commission.
To Apply:
Please email your resume and full body shot to Ms. Kim at kimsimpson@yeagency.com for submission to client. If chosen, details to follow.