Title: ‘One Big Mess”

Job description: “Crown Production Studios is working with J Amore’ INC to bring the mini series “One Big Mess” to WADL this February and here is your chance to jump on board. We are looking for all talents, of all ages, but be on time, because we will be very prompt.”
Date, time, location: October 20-21 from 6pm-8pm at Puffers Reds in Ypsilanti, MI
Requirements: You must be willing and available to do the following:

Available for evening rehearsals on Monday and Wednesday beginning October 26- December 1  

  • Have reliable transportation
  • Positive attitude
  • Flexible hours for taping during the month of November

We are looking for the following:

  • Both African American and Caucasian Males: 20-30 years of age.
  • Both African American and Caucasian Females: 20-30 years of age.
  • African American Male: 40-60
  • African American Female: 40-60
  • Children age 5-18
  • Musicians
  • Singers
  • Comedians

What to bring to the audition?
Actors have a 2 minute monologue prepared. There will be a cold reading as well. Singers, prepare one stanza of a song please. Bring your headshot and resume. If you do not have any experience, just bring contact info and headshot.


There will be compensation for those who get selected but those details will be available to those who get picked…
TO APPLY: Please notify us at kjs.yea@gmail.com and follow the instructions included in the link above