Extras Casting Call

Lyon Productions

Lyon Productions is about to wrap the feature film, “Little Creeps” and is looking to cast some additional background extras for Saturday, June 24th and Sunday, June 25th.  These are the final two days of shooting.

Availble Extra Roles:

  • Asian Restaurant Customers

  • College Students

  • College Cheerleaders

  • College Basketball Players

  • Strip Club Crowd Members


These are not paid roles. If you’d like your first opportunity to be on a movie set this is a great opportunity for you. I apologize but we don’t have it in the budget to pay for background extras these last two days/nights. However, if you would like to be on set and have those days free (as we will need you for at least 10-12 plus hours on those two days) we would greatly appreciate it.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying, please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and email your photos and a resume (if you have one but not required) as well as your contact information to: brad@lyonmotionpictures.com

NOTE: Please include the role(s) you feel you would fit well for in the subject line of your email.