Open Auditions for Actors and Understudies

313soulentertainment in conjunction with United Souls Prod. is holding open auditions for the upcoming Stage Play “Drastic Measures”. The auditions will be held at the Motor City Java House (inside the Artist Village) located at 17340 Lahser, 1 block north of Grand River.

Drastic Measures is a powerful stageplay. It deals with a guy named Karahn Davis and his struggle to find love in his estranged fiance, Samantha after the home invasion, robbery and ultimately the murder of his wife, Melissa. Karahn neglects his teen daughters for Samantha, leading the oldest daughter, Kara to run into the arms of her older, more thuggish boyfriend, L.A. Drastic Measures sends a message of urgency in hopes that those who put love in the wrong hands will return to their first love, Jesus Christ. Rev2:4…

Available Roles:

  • MAMMA DAVIS: African American woman in her 50’s. (Loving and caring) But you know she doesn’t like the fiancee’.

  • ATTORNEY JAMIE CLARK:African American woman in her 30’s. Prominent business type. Articulate and firm. But with a soft spot for Karahn.

  • UNDERSTUDIES: Understudies needed, as well as stage hands. Roles range from 12-60yrs. Male and female.


These are paid roles. Talent will also receive food and credit.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying, please notify us at

NOTE: You will be contacted with audition time slot.