University of Michigan Auditions

Casting two actresses for a short film centered in Ann Arbor, MI. The film is a 1950s romantic period piece about two women who move into a possessed farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. Filming will take place over the course of 3-4 weekends, beginning the second week of October.

Audition Dates:

Saturday, September 24th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Sunday, September 25th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Thursday, September 29th from 6:30pm – 9:30pm

All auditions will take place in the ISS Media Demo Room in the Modern Languages Building (second floor) on the University of Michigan campus.

NOTE: Audition place/time may be subject to change. If none of these audition times work for you, please say so and we may be able to arrange a separate audition.

Available Roles:

  • Charlotte: 25-35 years old, beautiful, feminine. Moves in with her sick lover, Joyce, so that she can take care of her. Constantly worried, somewhat quiet.

  • Joyce: 30-45 years old. “Butch”, jovial, energetic. A ball of fun. Though she is older than Charlotte, she is much less mature.


These are not paid roles.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at and email a recent picture and any relevant acting/film experience to:

NOTE: Please include which day you would like to audition for in your email.