“Have a Little Faith” Extras Casting

Ryan Hill is looking to cast about 70 extras for 1960’s Baptist Church Congregants and Prison Inmates, Guards and Visitors in the feature film, “Have a Little Faith”. Extras will be needed July 7th, July 8th and July 11th in Detroit, MI.

Available Roles:

  • (70) 1960’s Baptist Church Congregants and Prison Inmates, Guards and Visitors. (18+)


These are paid roles. All extras on “Have a Little Faith” will be paid $64/8hrs.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at YourEntourageAgency@gmail.com and email a current photo to: HALFExtras@gmail.com

NOTE: If would like to be considered for a specific category, please include the category in the subject line of your e-mail. (You can put more than one category in the subject of 1 e-mail). You must also complete the following week 3 availability form and week 4 availability form.