Casting Actors and Actresses

Casting talent for the documentary, “Against the Grain”. Filming will begin in July 2011 in Detroit, MI.


“Against the Grain” is a documentary about how people still find a way to pursue their dreams in these rough economic times. Since I am from Detroit Michigan my focus will be to capture individuals from Detroit and the surrounding areas as they embark upon life’s challenges to make it to stardom in the entertainment industry.

Are you someone who has tried to pursue your dream for what some my say a very extended amount of time? Are your friends, family, mate or loved ones telling you to give it up, your getting to old to make it in the entertainment world or maybe something like, work a regular job? Have you been discriminated against because of sex, color or race? The goal is to capture you working “Against the Grain.”


These are non-paid roles. Will provide food and copy of film. Great for new actors and actresses.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in applying please notify us at and email your story, pictures and video links to Kevin at:

NOTE: This documentary will show you and your talents in the settings that you work such as if your a model and your in a fashion show we would want to tape you in the fashion show. Also, there will be a interview in the studio or on location.