
Adapted by Christopher Sergel
from the book by Frank Gilbreth
and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey

On Our Stage in Our 88th Season

21730 Madison
Dearborn, MI 48124
(313) 561-TKTS

November 16 and 17, 2015
Registration opens at 6:30pm. Auditions begin at 7:30pm. You must be registered to audition.
Click the buttons below to download an Audition Form and a Conflict Calendar. Completing the forms prior to the coming to the auditions will speed up the process.

Audition Form


Conflict Calendar

January 8-10, 15-17, and 22-24, 2016

Produced in Cooperation with Dramatic Publishing

The Show

Suppose you’re an attractive high school girl and you’re not only a member of a large and unique family but your father is, in fact, one of the great pioneers of industrial efficiency. Then suppose he decides, for no apparent reason, to apply his unorthodox methods to you and to the rest of your big family. The results are terribly embarrassing, funny and—it must be admitted—extremely effective! To Anne, however, the chief effect seems to be that of making them seem ridiculous to everyone else at school—especially to the boys! Dad pushes ahead with better organization for his large and delightful family. He puts up a chart for the young people to initial after completing each household task, uses a rung as an imaginary bathtub to demonstrate how to take a really efficient bath and appoints a utilities officer to levy fines on wasters of electricity. While the situations are often uproarious, there’s a serious reason. Dad has a heart condition which he’s keeping secret. The children don’t understand them. Anne, the oldest, rebels. Both Dad and she are miserable at the lack of understanding between them. Then in a deft and moving scene, Dad becomes aware of how much Anne has grown up. (From Dramatic Publishing’s website): If we had to choose from among all our publications the one show most likely to delight an audience, this play would be our choice. 

The Crew

Co-Producers – Tim Carney and Stan Guarnelo
Director – Phil Booth
Assistant Director – Nathan Booth
Lighting Design – David Reynolds, II

The Cast

Mr. Gilbreth – (Dad) Late 40’s to mid 50’s. Carries himself with the self-assurance of a successful man who is proud of his wife and family as well as his business accomplishments. Though a disciplinarian, he loves nothing so much as a good joke, preferably one on himself.

Mrs. Gilbreth – (Mother) Late 40’s to mid 50’s. A gracious, attractive women. She is also a psychologist. In her own way she is often able to get better results with her large family more so than her disciplinarian husband. She never threatens, shouts, or becomes excited.

Anne – The oldest, about 17. Attractive, sweet natured, but stands up to her father.

Ernestine – About 15. Also the Co-Narrator.

Frank – About 16. Also the Co-Narrator.

Martha – About 14. Speaks some German.

Bill, Lillian, Fred, Dan, and Jackie – The younger children (ages variable from 5-13).

Mrs. Fitzgerald – The housekeeper – a kind woman who is completely devoted to the family. Sometimes her patience is tried by the ongoing chaos of the large family (age 50 – 70).

Dr. Burton – The family doctor – a plain-spoken man (age 40-60).

Joe Scales – Anne’s age (about 17) – a very short, cocky cheerleader.

Miss Brill – A teacher who has no love for the children and they have none for her (age 35-50).

Larry – Anne’s age (about 17), nice looking, clean cut boy. Anne’s “special friend.”

Compensation: Volunteer, Resume Builder

To Apply or for more information Contact